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Old 17 Apr 2009, 00:25 (Ref:2442660)   #30
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Dutton has a real shot at the podium!Dutton has a real shot at the podium!Dutton has a real shot at the podium!Dutton has a real shot at the podium!
Originally Posted by DanicaFan View Post
I am telling you, Danica is awesome on ovals. She is very fast and can hold her own against anyone.
She can hold her own against the others in the sense of having general competency (that is, she isn't awful). Her finishing position, and head-to-head battles, record does not hold its own against everyone's. It isn't the worst by any means, but it is not on par with the top runners.

She is very fast? In some ways she is, but in others she isn't. Very fast with respect to what? If you are meaning the guys who are contenders for victory race after race, and for the title year after year, then she isn't very fast in comparison to them. Note that I am talking her in terms of the past, not the future facts of things you apparently have a very special connection to.

Danica is awesome on ovals? According to (, awesome means:
  1. inspiring awe
  2. NOW RARE showing awe
  3. SLANG wonderful; impressive; excellent
According to (, awe means:
  1. a mixed feeling of reverence, fear, and wonder, caused by something majestic, sublime, sacred, etc.
  2. ARCHAIC the power of inspiring intense fear or fearful reverence
  3. OBSOLETE terror; dread

I imagine you mean it in the slang descriptive sense of qualities of a thing (Danica in this sense). I think you will be in a minority in this usage. I certainly wouldn't consider it justified. In terms of the first definition of awe, it is most certainly possible you take that to be relevant too. I imagine you are also in a pretty lowly populated region of things with this too (I'm certainly not on that island with you).

I wouldn't use alternative, somewhat mean, combinations of meanings of the words awesome and awe which are available. They would be unfair to Danica, since she isn't anywhere near incompetent enough to instill terror or dread.

She isn't awesome on ovals, Danicafan. She is generally competent, with the ability to be specifically better than generally competent on occasions.
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