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Old 17 Mar 2024, 11:28 (Ref:4201648)   #18
Team Crouton
1% Club
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Lymington, New Forest, England
Posts: 40,052
Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!Aysedasi is the undisputed Champion of the World!
It seems that there is little interest in this sim, which is a shame as for the most part it's really awesome. I now drive online races only and although I've had a few hiccups in understanding how the servers work, I've largely had a really terrific immersive time. The only real gripe has been some of the driving standards. Yesterday I had two horrendous LMP2 races at Monza where my race was destroyed on both occasions by idiots continuing to drive around with damaged cars veering all over the place. I was eventually taken out by them speering into me in both races. Unfortunately the rating system penalises contact but cannot distinguish between fault and no fault incidents and as the ratings are essential to be able to move on from beginner to intermediate races, being hits by idiots, destroys the hard work you've put in previously. The system also imposes huge penalties for DNFs which is why drivers with damaged cars are desperate to get across the finishing line. But overall I'm loving the game which runs very well on my (now) lesser spec pc. The best thing for me by far since GPL.
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