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Old 30 Aug 2018, 21:45 (Ref:3847147)   #2
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 3,289
Evantra should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridEvantra should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridEvantra should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Always like to see new championships but... can't see this working. From that list of eligible cars you'll only be getting TCR cars in any significant number (and judging by TCR UK not that many!) and that still involves the cost of buying a TCR car, so not really that cheap.

WTCC (I assume TC1) cars won't happen, and there are very few spare NGTC cars around. Not sure about S2000 or SEATs.

Good luck to them, but I'm getting the same vibes as TCR UK and BTEC...
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