9 Oct 2023, 15:09 (Ref:4180716)
The Honourable Mallett
Join Date: Feb 1999
Posts: 37,676
Originally Posted by John Elwin
An eclectic mix there, Peter! Nice to see the finned Vauxhall Cresta - not so common these days.
I've got a local show next week in Loos en Gohelle; I suspect it won't be quite so glamorous as the artwork on their promotional material suggests, though.
I was followed out of Cambrai last night by a US Army Jeep.
Originally Posted by E.B
Lovely selection of, as John said, eclectic cars. Quite a selection also. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks chaps, I'm going back through the ones that got away to see if there are any others worthy of publishing.
I've decided to stop reaching out to people. I'm just going to contact them instead.