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Old 11 Nov 2004, 21:28 (Ref:1150918)   #1
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Words on Ayrton Senna from his fellow drivers and friends

I picked up these various quotes on Senna's life from a friend in Brazil. I would like help translating these, as Google's translation tool ain't cutting it!

If you or someone you know could help with this, I'd appreciate it immensely, and would be happy to see it shared in English in this forum!

Here are the quotes:

"O Senna era pra mim um idolo e un amigo. Foi o maior piloto do todos os tempos" - Rubens Barrichello, nos funerais

"Se eu fosse dono de uma equipe de F-1, contrataria o Ayrton como piloto" - Nelson Piquet em 1994

"Era como se ele tivesse quarto maos e quatro pernas. Era um mestre controlando uma maquina" - John Watson, em 1987

"Uso tudo o que sei de pilotagem e ainda fico um segundo atras de Ayrton!" - Gerhard Berger, em 1991

"Senna e uma lenda. Nunca vi Fangio e outros ex-grandes pilotos, mas o Senna me parecia fora do normal, unico. A F-1 unca sera mais a mesma" - Gil de Farran, nos funerais

"Ayrton e o unico piloto em condicoes de igualar meu pentacampeonato" - Juan Manuel Fangio, em 1991

"Senna e, seguramente, o melhor piloto de sua geracao" - Jackie Stewart, em 1988

"Nem o Brasil sabia que amava tanta Ayrton Senna" - Emerson Fittipaldi, nos funerais

"Ayrton e a setima marailha do mundo" - Clay Regazzone, em 1990

"Senna e um piloto genial. Mas nao me comparem a ele. Eu sou o Schumacher" - Michael Schumacher, quando surgiu na F-1

"Nenhum outro piloto tem tanta garra quanto o Ayrton. Nao tem meiotermo: ganha ou perde" - Mauricio Gugelmin, em 1988

"Ele me fecou as ultimas quatro voltas, curva apos curva. Mas foi exremamente limpo. Nao tenho do que me queixar" - Nigel Mansell, 2nd colocado em Monaco, em 1992

"Sabua que podia contrar com ele enquanto fomos companheiros de equipe" - Michael Andretti, nos funerais

"Fomos rivais dentro e fora das pistas. E so agora percebo o quanto ele era importante para mim. Metade da minha vida se vai. Ele era o meu parametro" - Alain Prost, nos funerais
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"With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and experience as well you can fly very high."
Old 13 Nov 2004, 20:06 (Ref:1152641)   #2
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Here's an English version that's been translated for us

Some kind person translated this for me from another racing forum. Thanks EM! Some really beautiful words from those who raced against him and those who simply admired the man.


"O Senna era pra mim um Ã*dolo e um amigo. Foi o maior piloto de todos os tempos" - Rubens Barrichello, nos funerais

"Senna was an idol and a friend to me. He was the best driver of all time." Rubens Barrichello, in the funeral

"Se eu fosse dono de uma equipe de F-1, contrataria o Ayrton como piloto" - Nelson Piquet em 1994

"If I was a F1 team owner I would hire Ayrton as a driver." Nelson Piquet, in 1994

"Era como se ele tivesse quatro mãos e quatro pernas. Era um mestre controlando uma máquina" - John Watson, em 1987

"It was like he had four hands and four legs. He was a master controlling a machine." John Watson, in 1987

"Uso tudo o que sei de pilotagem e ainda fico um segundo atrás de Ayrton!" - Gerhard Berger, em 1991

"I use everything I know about driving and I´m still a second behind Ayrton!" Gerhard Berger, in 1991

"Senna é uma lenda. Nunca vi Fangio e outros ex-grandes pilotos, mas o Senna me parecia fora do normal, único. A F-1 nunca será mais a mesma" - Gil de Ferran, nos funerais

"Senna is a legend. I never saw Fangio and the other great former drivers, but to me Senna was out of the ordinary, unique. F1 will never be the same." - Gil de Ferran, in the funeral

"Ayrton é o único piloto em condições de igualar meu
pentacampeonato" - Juan Manuel Fangio, em 1991

"Ayrton is the only driver able to equal my fifth championship." - Juan Manuel Fangio, in 1991

"Senna é, seguramente, o melhor piloto de sua geração" - Jackie Stewart, em 1988

"Senna is, undoubtedly, the best driver of his generation." Jackie Stewart, in 1988

"Nem o Brasil sabia que amava tanto Ayrton Senna" - Emerson Fittipaldi, nos funerais

"Not even Brazil knew how much she loved Ayrton Senna." - Émerson Fittipaldi, in the funeral

"Ayrton é a sétima maravilha do mundo" - Clay Regazzone, em 1990

"Ayrton is the seventh wonder of the world." - Clay Regazzone, in 1990

"Senna é um piloto genial. Mas não me comparem a ele. Eu sou o Schumacher" - Michael Schumacher, quando surgiu na F-1

"Senna is an outstanding driver. But don´t compare me to him. I´m Schumacher." - Michael Schumacher, when he began in F1

"Nenhum outro piloto tem tanta garra quanto o Ayrton. Não tem meio termo: ganha ou perde" - Mauricio Gugelmin, em 1988

"No other driver has so much willpower as Ayrton does. There is no middle ground: he wins or loses." MaurÃ*cio Gugelmin, in 1988

"Ele me fechou nas últimas quatro voltas, curva após curva. Mas foi extremamente limpo. Não tenho do que me queixar" - Nigel Mansell, 2nd colocado em Monaco, em 1992

"He cut me off in the last four laps, curve after curve. But he was extrememly fair. I can´t complain." Nigel Mansell, 2nd place in Monaco, in 1992

"Sabia que podia contar com ele enquanto fomos companheiros de equipe" - Michael Andretti, nos funerais

"I knew that I could count on him while we were team mates." Michael Andretti, in the funeral

"Fomos rivais dentro e fora das pistas. E só agora percebo o quanto ele era importante para mim. Metade da minha vida se vai. Ele era o meu parâmetro" - Alain Prost, nos funerais

"We were rivals, in and outside the lanes. And only now do I see how he was important to me. Half of my life is gone. He was my parameter." - Alain Prost, in the funeral
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"With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and experience as well you can fly very high."
Old 14 Nov 2004, 00:15 (Ref:1152794)   #3
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marcus has a real shot at the podium!marcus has a real shot at the podium!marcus has a real shot at the podium!marcus has a real shot at the podium!
well done 11tenths , certainly some nice words there from the drivers
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In Loving memory of Peter Brock
I hate it when im driving in a straight line & Seb Vettel runs into me
Old 16 Nov 2004, 07:35 (Ref:1154723)   #4
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I appreciate your even-handedness, especially in the heat of the moment with regards to the 'Senna on Senna' thread. I acknowledge the forums' respect as it provided the propriety to express personal opinion.

We all continue in our own travails to discuss certain opinions connoting views of the world around us, and I admire those who express differences effectively, regardless of any conflict in opinion.


Last edited by 11tenths; 16 Nov 2004 at 07:41.
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"With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and experience as well you can fly very high."
Old 7 Dec 2004, 15:41 (Ref:1173535)   #5
Steve Wilkinson
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Senna - the early years

I well remember seeing Senna starting off in Formula Ford. His complete mastery of the class earmarked him for better things and it was obvious he would make it into Formula One.

The following year he dominated FF2000 winning two national championships plus the European Championship. His continued excellence made me sure he was destined to be a Grand Prix winner.

In Formula Three the ruthless streak was seen when he battled with Martin Brundle. Yet out of the car he was approachable and happy to chat to people who at least showed they knew the sport. It was during this season that the press realised he was a fledgling World Champion.

I can still remember where I was when I leant of Mike Hawthorn's death. I couldn't believe Jim Clark had died. I cried openly when Jochen Rindt crashed at Monza whilst Graham Hill's passing was another shock. However the biggest blow was Senna. Here was a driver who we had all come to believe was indistructable.
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