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Old 24 May 2000, 22:20 (Ref:8405)   #1
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Francesca should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
I attended the first revival in 1998 and had a brilliant time and even got a tan. Last year rain was forecast but we still went for the 3 days and braved the torrential downpours. Sadly it had changed though. The public weren't allowed through the pit tunnel (as they had been the year before) and were also not allowed to sit in the stands at Lavant corner (as they had been the year before). Even though rain had been forecast days before, no cover was provided except 2 beer tents which became pretty packed. Did anyone else attend and have similar problems?
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Old 24 May 2000, 22:29 (Ref:8406)   #2
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Bluebottle should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridBluebottle should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid
I do remember in'99 seeing a sign on the access tunnel requesting the correct pass, but there were plenty of non club-members in the infield area, and we only had to show our passes to get into the fenced area of the paddock, same as in '98.
There were many more people there in '99 and that did spoil it a bit for me- even the GRRC members tent was overcrowded when it rained. We will be back this year see you there? (Mine's a pint of Old Speckled Hen- ta!)
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Old 24 May 2000, 22:39 (Ref:8407)   #3
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TimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
There's an easy way to get access to the pit tunnel. That's join the GRRC and get paddock passes. However, I will concede that it's flaming expensive, and as a man of limited means, I had to think long and hard about whether I could justify the price of the membership.

I decided that it was worth it - again - this year, for the luxury of getting into the paddock and having a good chance of meeting the drivers and mechanics, as well as some good photography opportunities.

The one real criticism of Goodwood is the sheer cost. Nothing is a bargain there - not the food, not the entrance money, not the merchandise. And I understand that the majority of the memorabilia dealers will not be back, due to appalling takings for one of the highest pitch hire rates of the season.

On the other hand, if you are prepared to pay for membership of the clubs, one does get to feel like an honoured VIP, with the paddock stewards welcoming you and opening the gate for you at the flash of your badge.

During the worst of the rainstorms, I was actually dry in a pit garage with three members of the Vintage Sports Car Club and a Maserati, but I imagine that it could have been pretty horrible for the punters out on the circuit.

But that's not to say I didn't brave Madgwick corner for the driving rain at the start of Sunday morning, and I sloshed around to the St Marys tea room for lunch, and I was even prepared to wait in the rain for the communion service.

To be honest, Goodwood was again the high point of the year for me, and it would have had to have been a lot wetter, and a lot more expensive to make me feel remotely disappointed.

Can't wait for this year's event. It really is a step back in time.
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Old 24 May 2000, 22:46 (Ref:8408)   #4
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TimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
A couple more things came to mind.

Firstly, I agree totally with Bluebottle about the members tent. It was like a saunabath in there, with the world and his wife inside sheltering from the rain, and trying to dry out the jackets.

Have you ever smelt 1000 tweed jackets drip-drying in one enclosed space? Peeeewwww!

Second, to be honest, the spectating is so good from the majority of the circuit, that I have never yet felt that I wanted to be in the stands.

And finally, now that I recall, there was an issue with flooding in the tunnel for a while during the weekend. That can't have helped any.

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Old 25 May 2000, 07:19 (Ref:8409)   #5
Dan Friel
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Dan Friel should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridDan Friel should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Become a marshal and get a 3 day pass for free!!!!! Plus you get to see the cars close up, well depends whose driving it I guess...

Bring on September, and please let it be dry this year. The new race that replaces the F1's looks quite interesting, lot's of clubby guys...
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Old 25 May 2000, 17:47 (Ref:8410)   #6
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Francesca should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
No seating area or sheltering area for punters, expensive and very unhealthy food, huge prices for membership (£50!), overcrowded beer tents, no way through the pit tunnel (during races) etc etc - yep I'll be there again this year!

I must say that the complementary Goodwood- Chichester and Chichester - Goodwood bus was very good.
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Old 25 May 2000, 18:07 (Ref:8411)   #7
Peter Mallett
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I've missed it due to racing commitments and that will be the same this year. However, is it comparable to Coys? Or better? Is there anything to learn from Goodwood which can be used by other clubs/organisers?

Comments please.
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Old 25 May 2000, 18:11 (Ref:8412)   #8
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TimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
It has to be said that if you can't squeeze your way into the Kentagon on a wet day, there's even less cover for the average punter at Brands Hatch.

And as for the food - well, the only circuit where I am ever able to eat well is Donington. Goodwood is no worse than any of the other British tracks. For a venue that hosts an event on just one weekend a year, I still think that's pretty good going.

Hang on - what am I saying - the more people I can put off going means the smaller the crowds, and the more space there will be for me.

Ooh, you don't want to be going to Goodwood. No no no no no. Horrible nasty place, you wouldn't enjoy it at all. Noisy smelly cars. Not the done thing to go to a place like that.

There. That should do the trick. I hope I was suitably convincing.
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Old 25 May 2000, 18:17 (Ref:8413)   #9
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Francesca should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
here here.

That pub at Brands (Octagon?) is dire - the food is worse than school dinners and 100 times more expensive.
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Old 25 May 2000, 18:23 (Ref:8414)   #10
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TimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridTimD should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Seriously, Pete, as you were posting while I was composing...
in their approach. I love them both, and I wouldn't miss either for the world.
Coys and Goodwood are very different events

Coys has become a very well run Internationally-minded event, which progresses with the professionalism that befits the second largest event at Silverstone after the GP.

Goodwood, while blessed with a glittering International presence, is run purely on its own terms. It's as though Lord March and his team have taken a good hard look at how motor racing and spectator demands have progressed, and decided to carry on just as they always did.

In that respect, I find Goodwood very similar in ethos and flavour to Le Mans. The ACO makes no secret of having no truck with any other racing organiser in the world, and carries on in its own sweet way.

You either enjoy what they provide, or you walk away shaking your head. In this increasingly homogenous world, needless to say, I love it!
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