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Old 24 Jan 2025, 16:31 (Ref:4242149)   #151
Tel 911S
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Originally Posted by Tel 911S View Post
Still very little in the MSM about the CAN bill , just odd mentions of stopping fossil fuels by 2030.The only real story about it I have seen is in the Daily Sceptic https://dailysceptic.org/2025/01/21/...n-near-future/
You might almost think that the media has been told not to talk about it .
Lets just hope , as Mike Harte says , the bill gets dumped .

Update ... the CAN bill has been blocked in the commons .
Mike Harte was right , it did not have support .
I would like to believe that some people are starting to see some sense on the whole Net Zero insanity , but with politicians and endless propaganda from the media , who can tell?
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 16:43 (Ref:4242152)   #152
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Originally Posted by Tel 911S View Post
Update ... the CAN bill has been blocked in the commons .
Mike Harte was right , it did not have support .
I would like to believe that some people are starting to see some sense on the whole Net Zero insanity , but with politicians and endless propaganda from the media , who can tell?
Tel, I really hope so but that'll need people to recognise the propaganda for what it is instead of blindly taking everything on face value.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 17:54 (Ref:4242159)   #153
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Originally Posted by Tel 911S View Post
Update ... the CAN bill has been blocked in the commons .
Mike Harte was right , it did not have support .
I would like to believe that some people are starting to see some sense on the whole Net Zero insanity , but with politicians and endless propaganda from the media , who can tell?
Not blocked, just not being debated on at present. (It can return from July).

But, the decision was reached based on an agreement that the proposer will be working with the SofS on measures to achieve Net Zero.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 19:04 (Ref:4242162)   #154
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I would say that there appears very little, almost zero, support for the bill. There was no debate at all today and the government proposed that the bill was debated and was put to a vote which they won by 120 to 7, which would suggest that there is possibly little chance that it will even be debated again in July and will therefore just drop away like 95% of all PMBs.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 19:50 (Ref:4242166)   #155
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Originally Posted by Mike Harte View Post
I would say that there appears very little, almost zero, support for the bill. There was no debate at all today and the government proposed that the bill was debated and was put to a vote which they won by 120 to 7, which would suggest that there is possibly little chance that it will even be debated again in July and will therefore just drop away like 95% of all PMBs.
That is probably likely to happen - but as I mentioned, the proposer (Dr Roz Savage) agreed to not push for a vote herself.

As a PMB, it will likely go no further. But as a method to get the issues in the forefront of people's minds, it seems to have worked.
The topic will still be discussed and Dr Savage has bought a place a the discussion with Ed Miliband - who let's remember is the 'Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero'.
Net Zero remains the goal - and this bill even being presented today is part of the effort toward that.
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Old 25 Jan 2025, 06:44 (Ref:4242200)   #156
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This is all so "Yes, Prime Minister" isn't it? Remember the edition where a young enthusiastic MP proposed an anti-smoking bill and was bought off by a plum job ( I think it was in the Treasury "so you can fight them from the inside")? Sound familiar?

Such a prescient series, relevant even today, and I believe compulsive watching for St Margaret of Grantham who was quoted as saying that someone must have an insider view of Westminster.

On another note, storm 6 of this season is about to hit us. We managed to avoid the worst of storm Éolwyn, but storm Spanish-Name will come right over us. I've just had to replace three awning canopies thanks to the weather, this Global Warming is getting expensive. Still, at least we're still working and not frozen off like I used to regularly be in January when I worked at Combe a quarter of a century ago.


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Old 25 Jan 2025, 19:33 (Ref:4242297)   #157
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Originally Posted by midgetman View Post
This is all so "Yes, Prime Minister" isn't it? Remember the edition where a young enthusiastic MP proposed an anti-smoking bill and was bought off by a plum job ( I think it was in the Treasury "so you can fight them from the inside")? Sound familiar?

Such a prescient series, relevant even today, and I believe compulsive watching for St Margaret of Grantham who was quoted as saying that someone must have an insider view of Westminster.

On another note, storm 6 of this season is about to hit us. We managed to avoid the worst of storm Éolwyn, but storm Spanish-Name will come right over us. I've just had to replace three awning canopies thanks to the weather, this Global Warming is getting expensive. Still, at least we're still working and not frozen off like I used to regularly be in January when I worked at Combe a quarter of a century ago.


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As a slight sideways step, at least someone within the Civil Service has a sense of humour

Originally Posted by BBC new report extract
Earlier, it was announced civil servants will soon be given access to a set of tools powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and named "Humphrey" after the scheming official from the classic sitcom Yes, Minister.
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Old 26 Jan 2025, 07:29 (Ref:4242502)   #158
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It is still one of my favourite TV shows.

On a separate note, the alarm in my hired van has taken to setting itself off at random intervals even though the van is not locked. Apparently my name is mud around the kart track paddock because the wind last night was rocking the van...I'm safely in a Purple Palace about 20 minutes away. Wish me luck!

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Old 26 Jan 2025, 10:14 (Ref:4242518)   #159
Tel 911S
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Originally Posted by Alfaholic View Post
As a slight sideways step, at least someone within the Civil Service has a sense of humour

Perhaps not a sense of humour .If it was called WINSTON SMITH , or BIG BROTHER , more people might realise what it is for .
To check where you are , who you talked to , what you said , and especially how much money you have and where it is .
The DWP have just been given new powers to go into your bank account and take money out of it .
So it is just more of 1984 as an instruction book .
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Old 26 Jan 2025, 12:50 (Ref:4242531)   #160
Peter Mallett
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Currently at a very wet and quite windy Brooklands for the VSCC new year tests.
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Old 26 Jan 2025, 13:06 (Ref:4242534)   #161
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Our kart meeting in Devon has been abandoned. I've never been so wet and cold, I think I have trench foot.

Another pop up awning canopy wrecked, thankfully it was one scheduled for replacement anyway. These pop ups pack away really quickly, I feel sorry for the guys in the big teams with £20k awnings they have to dismantle. I'm waiting for the wind to drop before I hit the road in the Luton.

Stood in the back of the van I genuinely feared it would blow over....

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Old 27 Jan 2025, 08:34 (Ref:4242754)   #162
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Originally Posted by Peter Mallett View Post
Currently at a very wet and quite windy Brooklands for the VSCC new year tests.
Very wet day at Brooklands, my wet clothes are still drying out this morning.
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Old 27 Jan 2025, 12:44 (Ref:4242786)   #163
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Unsurprising. Animals were queuing up two by two alongside the A303, and the A37 climbing up to the Mendips was more like driving up a waterfall! That was probably my worst drive home from an event ever.

Like you, my shoes and socks are still drying.....

And the wind was so strong it blew someone's kart clear off its stand! Never been so happy to leave a race track.

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Old 27 Jan 2025, 18:42 (Ref:4242800)   #164
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Originally Posted by midgetman View Post
Like you, my shoes and socks are still drying.....
I feel your pain here.
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Old 27 Jan 2025, 22:07 (Ref:4242816)   #165
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All this talk of bad weather, I was driving along our coast front this afternoon and listening to Spectrum Radio when the weather forecast lady informed me that we were due blustery winds and heavy rain this afternoon ! Well it was 27c with blue skies at the time and still was at sunset while my wife sat on the balcony reading this evening. For some reason we always seem to have a "micro climate" just here! I expect one or two of you will be hoping it chucks it down for me tonight
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Old 28 Jan 2025, 06:17 (Ref:4242834)   #166
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We have some wind here. I noticed we have some sailers on the forum and I think they'll enjoy some pics of the Imoca's in action during the Vendée Globe. The foilers offer fantastic views.
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Old 28 Jan 2025, 07:51 (Ref:4242841)   #167
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Well, I am greeted by blue sky and full sun with not even a breath of wind this morning! so much for the forecast on the radio yesterday ! I often wonder if they are from a different planet ?
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Old 28 Jan 2025, 09:23 (Ref:4242845)   #168
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Originally Posted by GORDON STREETER View Post
Well, I am greeted by blue sky and full sun with not even a breath of wind this morning! so much for the forecast on the radio yesterday ! I often wonder if they are from a different planet ?
Most of the MSM is under pressure to promote the Climate Change fraud .
So you will keep getting propaganda like , more storms happening , worst ever and lots more total lies like that .
The real facts are that bad storms have decreased in numbers over the last 20 -30 years , but they ignore that to push their lies .
Lots of facts here about how we are being lied to .
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Old 28 Jan 2025, 18:59 (Ref:4242893)   #169
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We were discussing Autosports International a bit ago. I've just had notification that "Motorsport With Attitude" (a short circuit/club racing show) has been called off due to poor stand and advance ticket sales. It was an established she that has been going some years.

It'll be interesting to see what Race Retro is like. There just doesn't seem to be the interest in shows and exhibitions recently, maybe the big motor sport Festivals are taking up the slack?

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Old 28 Jan 2025, 22:55 (Ref:4242912)   #170
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Originally Posted by midgetman View Post
We were discussing Autosports International a bit ago. I've just had notification that "Motorsport With Attitude" (a short circuit/club racing show) has been called off due to poor stand and advance ticket sales. It was an established she that has been going some years.

It'll be interesting to see what Race Retro is like. There just doesn't seem to be the interest in shows and exhibitions recently, maybe the big motor sport Festivals are taking up the slack?

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The cost of entry to these shows is possibly one reason they are on the decline. I haven't been to the AutoSport show in years. The content and quality has dropped off considerably.
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Old 28 Jan 2025, 23:07 (Ref:4242913)   #171
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AutoSport was a French rendez-vous the kind we didn't want to miss. Very convenient all could be done in one day, from Roissy to NEC was a treat, pre-registration was rather easy. Over the years interest has dropped off for us racers too.
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Old 29 Jan 2025, 06:55 (Ref:4242925)   #172
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Originally Posted by ChrisA View Post
The cost of entry to these shows is possibly one reason they are on the decline. I haven't been to the AutoSport show in years. The content and quality has dropped off considerably.
And the cost of exhibiting is stunting the content and quality I'm sure. The two go hand in hand.

One things that many visitors forget is that exhibitors are there for commercial reasons. There are huge costs to exhibit, not just the stand space but hotels, meals, travel, teamwear, exhibition materials. We love to show our products to a wide market but there is a limit to the return.

The only show I've been involved with that seems to be growing is Kartmania, and that is an incredibly niche event at a sensible price with probably <5k visitors. Even Tweeks and GPR were there in '24, and they've pulled out of ASI. It costs me less than a grand all up and that's the sort of money I can write off to "networking" as opposed to needing an income from the weekend.

We can't be the only industry questioning the value of big shows. It must be difficult times at the NEC.

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Old 29 Jan 2025, 14:46 (Ref:4242962)   #173
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Derwent is heading for a stewards' enquiry!
My club has been organising the Cumbria Classic & Motorsport Show since 1989 and we now have to cap the number of exhibiting cars to 800. In 2024 we got an attendance of over 4K. It's an outdoor show with autotests and arena interviews etc but we only charge £25 for trade stands. Thus we get plenty of trade stands which in itself makes for more for people to see. £10 admission and kids free. Of course it's all run by volunteers.
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Old 29 Jan 2025, 17:23 (Ref:4242980)   #174
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Yeah and there's the difference. The most successful shows are run by people who understand their market rather than professional show organisers. Enthusiasm matters, and that's where the kart bash scores. It's run by a bloke who doesn't need it to pay the mortgage.

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Old 29 Jan 2025, 18:27 (Ref:4242983)   #175
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What was our best show changed over the years and lost his soul. What has been getting worse is people attitude, one could wonder why some clubs are exhibiting, only members are welcome. As to merchants and auctioneer you've better to be known as very wealthy or give financial guarantees before any discussion and visit. A really strange atmosphere in spite of a hall dedicated to cars sold below € 35k. Original spirit partly moved to Lyon.
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