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Old 30 Aug 2007, 12:41 (Ref:2000019)   #1
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Launch Control / Traction Control in 2008

I am guessing that both of these are banned in 2008 is that correct?

I keep reading about TC being banned, but nothing about launch control.

Does anyone know for sure?
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 12:57 (Ref:2000032)   #2
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I thought launch control was banned years ago.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 13:22 (Ref:2000048)   #3
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I think the letter of the ruling is anything that can limit the throttle, other than manual adjustment by the driver through the throttle pedal. That covers alot more than traction control, such as some characteristics of the engine braking, and i'd imagine the launch systems would have to be altered.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 13:23 (Ref:2000050)   #4
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Originally Posted by safc_fan89
I thought launch control was banned years ago.
I *thought* it was too, but figured that the teams had adopted the TC to operate as some kind of race start / launch control manager.

So will the drivers be back to using a hand clutch and having to manage engine revs?

Will we see clouds of blue smoke off the grid at the start again?!
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 14:02 (Ref:2000092)   #5
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TC is not allowed to cut in until second gear is engaged since 2004. However, other parts of the car and electronics minimise wheelspin anyways, so it's pointless stuff.

The standard ECU for next season dictates that we will be bereft of TC and other horrid innovations. However, I hear moaning from many teams and the glassbacks that govern this sport will doubtless renege on the whole thing.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 14:10 (Ref:2000099)   #6
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Why moanings? I think the standard ECUs are a good thing for the sports possibly, and can't wait for it to be in force if it meant taking away traction control and such. However, what seem to be addressed by many teams seem to be genuine serious concerns, that the ECUs are completely incompatible.

When Renault, BMW and Ferrari raise concerns that it has the potential to not even able to run an engine, i think it is worth looking into the concerns to see if there's anything worth concern..rather just brush them off.. The only big team which seems to have no issues with the standard ECU is Mclaren...
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 14:12 (Ref:2000103)   #7
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Well yes unless you want a one horse race..
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 14:21 (Ref:2000109)   #8
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The "let's go back to basics" is always a good idea, since the safety part is guaranteed.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 14:49 (Ref:2000122)   #9
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I could not agree more..
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 16:04 (Ref:2000161)   #10
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Originally Posted by Knowlesy
TC is not allowed to cut in until second gear is engaged since 2004....
Who polices this rule, and how is it enforced?
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 16:10 (Ref:2000169)   #11
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Hence my "pointless" comment.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 17:05 (Ref:2000204)   #12
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Well I hope that neither is 'employed' from next season, along with getting rid of all those winglets, huge thick wings and I hope we see some nice fat traditional slick tyres as well.

Oh, sorry i've just woken up from a dream.....
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 17:09 (Ref:2000206)   #13
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...and fell off the bed !
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 18:55 (Ref:2000259)   #14
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Originally Posted by Gt_R
The only big team which seems to have no issues with the standard ECU is Mclaren...
Who wouldathunkit?

I still find it amazing that this contract was given to part of the Mclaren Group.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 19:01 (Ref:2000262)   #15
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Originally Posted by Knowlesy
TC is not allowed to cut in until second gear is engaged since 2004.
IIRC was when it hit 100km/h.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 19:08 (Ref:2000270)   #16
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There was me thinking it was like a 100-metre limit.

Well, whatever, it hardly matters.

They all make formation, very LC like starts every race regardless.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 19:23 (Ref:2000277)   #17
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Originally Posted by duke_toaster
IIRC was when it hit 100km/h.
That rings a bell, you're probably right.

Even easier to police then!
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 19:30 (Ref:2000287)   #18
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I don't suppose the FIA ever cared about the starts being like they are now, but rather they wanted rid of the crazy numbers of grid stalls.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 19:38 (Ref:2000295)   #19
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That was quite easy to rectify surely? Just ask Ferrari to fit reliable parts to Rubens' car more often?
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 19:40 (Ref:2000298)   #20
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I suggest reviewing the LC starts of 2001, . Oh, and Rubens' qualifying positions compared to Michael's whilst you are at it, .
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 22:33 (Ref:2000464)   #21
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Nico thinks it'll be great,but then he's just a kid in' he.


There have been some moans from some teams that complain of not even being able to start the engine.Makes you wonder what sort of 'tricks' they have in their own ECU.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 22:39 (Ref:2000465)   #22
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Or what sorts of tricks Mclaren have put into their, sorry the, ECU.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 22:54 (Ref:2000479)   #23
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I think a lot of teams will be moaning and groaning just to try and get their own ECUs back.

Honda seem to be totally ok with it and another team at Monza did some testing this week with it and had no issues (can't remember the team off the top of my head).

If the FIA were smart (and there is so much evidence floating around to the contrary), the FIA would have specified a standard API (for want of a better term) long before the engine lockdown. The ECU would provide standard hooks that the engines would understand and there would be no issues.
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 23:37 (Ref:2000507)   #24
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Renault tested with it and did not have problems..
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Old 30 Aug 2007, 23:41 (Ref:2000509)   #25
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These things always seem to happen to the more expensive cars!
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