Historic Road Rallying/ Endurance Rallying
I'd like to consider historic road rallying & the historic sections of endurance rallying (eg the recent Lombard type events) with a more "modern" historic eg pre '81 but I'm afraid that I find the tech regs for the HRCR events with respect to post historic cars & the references to the Blue Book & therefore the original Group 1,2 & 4 homologation regs confusing. I'm probably just dim, I suppose.
I would like to consider a "historic" car of sorts - eg an Alfa Sud 1500 for road rallying & the historic section of endurance events but I would just like to buy something that I can prepare simply, ie bolt in a half cage, fit a pair of rally seats, some auxilliary lights and a sump guard & go road "rallying", in the same way that you appear to be able to do with modern cars up to 1400cc (on the Lombard). Is this possible? I'm afraid that I don't know my twin cams from my twin chokes or my Webers from my Strombergs and a simple "idiots guide" would be very useful!!
I don't want to buy a car & then find its ineligible. And I'd like to be able to take part at the "budget" end of the scale! Any advice would be welcome! Is there a list of the sorts of cars that are (and are not) eligible available anywhere?