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Old 15 Dec 2024, 23:40 (Ref:4238992)   #801
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Mohammed Ben Palpatine
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Old 16 Dec 2024, 02:33 (Ref:4238998)   #802
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Originally Posted by Skam85 View Post
Mohammed Ben Palpatine
I am anticipating Order 66 in which all the F1 stewards and race director are remove and he just does it all himself. Or just puts his lackeys in place to do his bidding.

MBS sitting on his throne watching the race... calls up whichever Sith Lord he has assigns as race directory and says... "Give Max a 10 second drive through". Hangs up the phone and cackles in Palpatine voice.

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Old 16 Dec 2024, 02:44 (Ref:4238999)   #803
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Originally Posted by Richard C View Post
I am anticipating Order 66 in which all the F1 stewards and race director are remove and he just does it all himself. Or just puts his lackeys in place to do his bidding.

MBS sitting on his throne watching the race... calls up whichever Sith Lord he has assigns as race directory and says... "Give Max a 10 second drive through". Hangs up the phone and cackles in Palpatine voice.

.....but will he have a fur-less cat as company?
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Old 11 Jan 2025, 04:18 (Ref:4241123)   #804
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MBS figured it's almost been 30 days since he said or did something controversial. Plus, he wanted to get a good start for the new year. So he has called out the British Media (again) while at the Dakar Rally. While doing so he took a swipe at the British GP as well as beating his chest as to who exactly is providing the money to make that race happen.


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Old 11 Jan 2025, 11:09 (Ref:4241148)   #805
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He's definitely one of the most narcissistic people in motorsport.

He loves to remind everyone that he's a driver. Last time he drove an F1 car the crashed it within 100m. But maybe that's just me being a disrespectful Brit or something.
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Old 11 Jan 2025, 12:08 (Ref:4241152)   #806
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Originally Posted by Akrapovic View Post
He's definitely one of the most narcissistic people in motorsport.

He loves to remind everyone that he's a driver. Last time he drove an F1 car the crashed it within 100m. But maybe that's just me being a disrespectful Brit or something.
A driver who had the best kit and never ran in a fully competitive series against proper opposition
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Old 12 Jan 2025, 21:54 (Ref:4241269)   #807
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Originally Posted by Akrapovic View Post
He's definitely one of the most narcissistic people in motorsport.

He loves to remind everyone that he's a driver. Last time he drove an F1 car the crashed it within 100m. But maybe that's just me being a disrespectful Brit or something.

MBS constantly referring himself to being a driver is like me trying to say I'm in esports because I jumped in a V8 Supercar simulator in 2023 and got within 6 seconds of a full time Supercars driver after four flying laps.
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 13:04 (Ref:4242026)   #808
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Don’t sleep on the FIA…new sets of rules, fines, and suspensions for team personnel and drivers governing the use of language.


No doubt all sports have some sort of code of conduct and let’s see how actively they will adhere to this new policy, but wow! This storyline just gets more ridiculous all the time!
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 13:38 (Ref:4242033)   #809
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Originally Posted by chillibowl View Post
Don’t sleep on the FIA…new sets of rules, fines, and suspensions for team personnel and drivers governing the use of language.


No doubt all sports have some sort of code of conduct and let’s see how actively they will adhere to this new policy, but wow! This storyline just gets more ridiculous all the time!

I posted a similar article from Sky Sports on the 2025 - News and Rumours thread.
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 14:24 (Ref:4242037)   #810
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I don't have a good foundation for what are common restrictions on sporting "codes of conduct". The base wording of 12.2.1.f is unchanged between 2024 and 2025. But the wording is pretty broad. Particularly with the call out of injury to the members and executive officers. While labelled by some as the "curse jar" and adult language is a current topic, its seems to me it equally can (will?) be used as a general gag order with respect to any criticism of MBS and less about attacks against "motor sport". With the new penalty guidelines defining significant teeth including loss of championship points. I am not an attorney, but my reading of the wording is that it does apply if an offense felt by MBS with respect to his personal moral position and irrespective to that of the FIA.

Overall, it seems the FIA has too much time on their hands if this is a priority and MBS seems to continue to have thin skin. I hope those in the sport find work arounds for this. Such as someone not bound by the code of conduct acting as a free and unmuzzled voice.

12.2.1.f Any words, deeds or writings that have caused moral injury or loss to the FIA, its bodies, its members or its executive officers, and more generally on the interest of motor sport and on the values defended by the FIA. Appendix B contains the penalty guidelines.

Last edited by Richard C; 23 Jan 2025 at 14:29.
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 16:53 (Ref:4242050)   #811
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BrakeDiegoBrake should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
what a weird state of affairs.
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 20:07 (Ref:4242074)   #812
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Well guess I don't need to find a new service for ESPN. The vague rules WILL result in an asterisk championship cause they're going to suspend at least one driver cause he's offended. Guess LM24 is it for FIA events this year, freaking joke. Want to restrict things restrict how much in car audio in magically you won't have to bleep things. Ok, post race and official press events great but leave that to the teams. But this nonsense, it makes zero sense

Originally Posted by Richard C View Post
it seems to me it equally can (will?) be used as a general gag order with respect to any criticism of MBS and less about attacks against "motor sport". With the new penalty guidelines defining significant teeth including loss of championship points. I am not an attorney, but my reading of the wording is that it does apply if an offense felt by MBS with respect to his personal moral position and irrespective to that of the FIA.

Overall, it seems the FIA has too much time on their hands if this is a priority and MBS seems to continue to have thin skin. I hope those in the sport find work arounds for this. Such as someone not bound by the code of conduct acting as a free and unmuzzled voice.

It's 100% that, zero to do with profanity and everything to do with a guy who is used to the repressive life he made at home and doesn't understand why they can criticize him. You've completely destroyed any interest I have in F1 in its entirety MBS. And I have emailed a few guys I've met along the way who work at Liberty Media, in very very low levels but worth a shot and they know how much I watch racing, and told them this was a joke and cost them one viewer at least. Pisng in the ocean to refill it but it's all I can do. It sounded like I was not the only one to complain
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 20:43 (Ref:4242078)   #813
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There are also further additions for inadmissible protests; a protest will now require individual applications for each subject. The sporting code also dictates that "any protest against a stewards’ decision will be inadmissible". This is the kind of thing you have to sign for if you want to enter "the game". Works at amateur level too. Spanish Inquisition is back?
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Old 23 Jan 2025, 21:24 (Ref:4242086)   #814
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Originally Posted by broadrun96 View Post
Well guess I don't need to find a new service for ESPN. The vague rules WILL result in an asterisk championship cause they're going to suspend at least one driver cause he's offended.
I tend to think it's unlikely we will see it get to the point of reduction in points. However there will be a chilling effect and the topics that are being pushed back by MBS might go more underground.

The type of games that Max played by not talking in FIA required press conference, but talking outside is likely to continue. However, as worded, I assume the code of conduct can apply just about anywhere and anytime. So those who want to speak out will need to be extra creative. Frankly I expect it to be entertaining as I don't see MBS winning this in the long term.

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Old 24 Jan 2025, 11:26 (Ref:4242122)   #815
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Article 12.2.1f has been in the ISC in those words since 2022, and was only slightly different in 2021.

I didn't go back any further than that.

So for this to be news means everyone missed it previously - and that means they didn't care, because it wasn't important. Which makes me wonder what what else is going on now that everyone is laser focused on speech & misconduct, because this sort of misdirection is really surprisingly common.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 12:55 (Ref:4242129)   #816
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Could it be that MBS is making a big deal of it while Jean Todt didn't (since he was FIA president in 2021). And that MBS has done other things that make him seem like a Balestre/late-term Mosley autocrat.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 13:10 (Ref:4242133)   #817
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Why would he stop? Everything works fine for him and his clique. Look all the big mouths and the most powerful people of the planet who are ready to sign those crazy rules. They always do it.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 14:53 (Ref:4242140)   #818
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No biting. No swearing. No elbowing. Whilst it seems sad that someone thinks that we need regulations into such basic misbehaviour, it's hardly controversial, and I daresay many corporations have such terms in their staff members contracts of employment.

The sweary mary's can surely reign it in when talking to the press.

As for drivers radio transmissions, the FIA should not broadcast anything that they think is not befitting their moral high ground (!).
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 15:08 (Ref:4242141)   #819
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Originally Posted by steve_r View Post
As for drivers radio transmissions, the FIA should not broadcast anything that they think is not befitting their moral high ground (!).
Ah, but the FIA don't control that; Liberty Media/FOM do. Which is why I think there's misdirection going on with all this behaviour malarkey, MBS is up to something and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it were to involve a significant difference of opinion with Mr Domenicali and friends.
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 19:57 (Ref:4242168)   #820
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upcoming FIA election? an attempt to control the narrative?

British media being mean! lol
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Old 24 Jan 2025, 21:04 (Ref:4242172)   #821
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Really this latest proposal by the FIA is just showing how screwed up MBS’ priorities are. I wouldn’t really put swearing high up on a list of things that need sorting in F1. And the fact people might get points deductions for it? Seriously WTF? I would have reserved that type of punishment for dangerous driving, but there you go
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Old 25 Jan 2025, 04:31 (Ref:4242188)   #822
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Originally Posted by chillibowl View Post
upcoming FIA election? an attempt to control the narrative?
I think his earlier changes (removal of internal governance to stop corruption) were done to consolidate power. I don't think anyone is (or will) running against him. Not sure when the election is (I think sometime early this year), but I think he has it locked in. I read that the last time someone actually ran against the FIA president was in 1991. I think the role is term limited to three four year terms. So unless he absolutely crashes and burns (i.e. criminal charges, etc.) we are likely stuck with him until 2032. I guess he could pull a Putin and engineer the removal of term limits. Not sure how hard that would be to do.

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Old 28 Jan 2025, 06:36 (Ref:4242836)   #823
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I've said it once I'll say it again
MBS is Temu Balestre
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Old 29 Jan 2025, 00:38 (Ref:4242917)   #824
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Old 29 Jan 2025, 12:42 (Ref:4242948)   #825
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Herbert dropped from role as FIA steward

'Governing body the FIA said that Herbert's "duties as an FIA steward and that of a media pundit were incompatible".'
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