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Old 20 Dec 2004, 08:40 (Ref:1183668)   #1
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Stock Hatch in the Super Series

The Rallycross Super Series have announced that they will be offering drives for selected stock hatch and mini cross drivers nex year.

The Super Series plate will be open to 12 selected drivers from each class and will run for one year only.

Does anyone have any views on this?

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Old 20 Dec 2004, 09:19 (Ref:1183707)   #2
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I think i would definatelly like to race in these events besides the usual championship. It would also be good to race at the same venue as some of the top european drivers and there awesome cars.

A lot of the supercar and supermodified drivers are backing the RSS and BRDA championships, so if the RSS is willing to open up a class for the stockhatches, then i thinks that this series needs to be supported to by the current stockhatch drivers aswell.

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Old 20 Dec 2004, 10:59 (Ref:1183796)   #3
silver bullet
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silver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridsilver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridsilver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid

Thats good news but who & how will they be selected?
Top 12 BRDA cntenders?
Newer cars?
Local drivers?
Or some other method.
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Old 20 Dec 2004, 11:42 (Ref:1183821)   #4
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Info i recieved

Here is part of the e-mail i recieved from the RSS.
From talking to them, it sounds like stockhatch and minicross will only be run for the 2005 season (at the moment).

Anyway here's what i go:-

"Hi Simon,

Just to give you a quick update, you will be receiving some information off me in next couple of days explaining the fact that Stockhatch and Minicross will
become part of the Rallycross Super Series in 2005 for 1 year only.

They will form part of an invitational package bringing 12 stockhatch and 12 minicross cars. The minicross drivers will be selected by the MDA for each event, and the Stockhatch drivers will be selected by the RSS team.
Drivers will be required to register for the series £25 which is taken off their
first entry fee and with it let us know which of the 6 events they want to compete in.

The aim of this is not to exclude any drivers from the RSS and enable them to bepart of the vision and package which will help get sponsors and coverage to enable them to climb the class ladder in later years.
This will also enable them to recieve similar superb coverage via Motors TV whichwas produced for the Rallycross G/P at Croft in November which we also ran."

I think this sounds very positive and even if it only does run for the 1 year, i don't think there is anything to loose by taking part (if selected)

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Old 20 Dec 2004, 13:20 (Ref:1183922)   #5
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Why oh Why oh Why
Old 20 Dec 2004, 18:19 (Ref:1184189)   #6
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There are two ways you can look at this:

1) It opens up the RSS to a wider selection of cars and drivers allowing more people to be a part of it and gives them some TV coverage.

2) They think they're going to struggle for entries and need the extra income from another 24 drivers.

The concern for me is how the 12 stock hatch drivers will be chosen - from previous statements from the RSS organisers I'd assume that it'd be the more modern cars first and then the shiniest of the 'old' cars. If there is no bias based on 'shinyness of car' then this could be a positive move from the RSS but it does look like they've had to abandon their 'stock hatch and minicross are embarassing and outdated' position which they've been holding. It's definitely a big change from the original position they had on the entry level classes.
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Old 20 Dec 2004, 19:00 (Ref:1184233)   #7
Roundy Mooney
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Originally Posted by silver bullet
Thats good news but who & how will they be selected?
Top 12 BRDA cntenders?
Newer cars?
Local drivers?
Or some other method.
So the great unwashed will be let out in the RSS
I think I've seen the application form these coveted places goes something like:

Do you have lord,knight,MBE,OBE after your name ?

Do you prefer prawn sandwiches or bacon butties for lunch ?

Do you wash it down with a tin of Royal Dutch or half bottle of Crystal ?

Have you ever used public transport ? ETC

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Old 20 Dec 2004, 19:54 (Ref:1184272)   #8
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Carlos should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Quality not quantity?
Entries low?
Stockhatch and minicross being introduced to subsidice europian free entries and low entries?
Come in for a year while we are starting off and need the entries but once we are established, see you later "you are not worthy"?
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Is there a gap? looks like a gap! I can get through there! crunch oops maybe not.
Old 20 Dec 2004, 20:12 (Ref:1184304)   #9
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God this make me laugh.
Back tracking allready? a few month ago we were not good enough to race with the rss now they need us for numbers.
Ring any bells BRDA British Rallycross championship?
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Old 20 Dec 2004, 20:44 (Ref:1184331)   #10
chris cake
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Hi guys i think you may be getting hold of the wrong end of stick. The idea is to give
mini's and the stocks a chance to compete in the RSS with out changing the cars.
Perhaps if you like the format you can then build something to the regs, this is how i
see it .

Last edited by chris cake; 20 Dec 2004 at 20:45.
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Old 21 Dec 2004, 08:52 (Ref:1184719)   #11
Roundy Mooney
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Do you think Chris that the RSS is doing this to give people a chance?
Now call me cynical but if the RSS are "GIVING DRIVERS" a chance to experience their format. I think it would have far more to do with the harsh reality that they need the extra cash from these 24 entrants than any wish to facilitate any stock hatch or minicross drivers.

Last edited by Roundy Mooney; 21 Dec 2004 at 08:53.
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Old 21 Dec 2004, 17:18 (Ref:1185151)   #12
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golfvanman should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
thats what i like to see lets hang the organisers before they have even run there first meeting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And people wonder why rallycross is in such a state of diss-array in this country when all you do is ***** !!! maybe they are genuine in giving the stockhatch and minicross a chance to try out the superseries and try to do an alien thing and move across to another class . such a shame !!!!
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Old 21 Dec 2004, 22:19 (Ref:1185418)   #13
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cynical? Its hard not to be when you have followed the rss from its initial concept. I love that people are trying to move the sport forward, and anyone that gives me a chance to race gets a thumbs up in my book, however the comments that have been raised are about the motivation behind these decisions and the spin put on these moves. If the organisers have done the maths and realised they need additional entries, so have included stockhatch and minis OK fine but by putting spin on this decision you open yourself up for speculation and ****!!
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Is there a gap? looks like a gap! I can get through there! crunch oops maybe not.
Old 22 Dec 2004, 09:54 (Ref:1185713)   #14
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I know I might be short sighted about this, but does it really matter if they are short of entrys and trying to make up numbers??

From my point of view, opening up to stockhatch and minicross means there are more races available for us competitors to race in, more tv / media coverage for rallycross and hopefully introduce some new new names into the sport.

I think we need to give the RSS series a chance instead of pulling them down before they have even run the first event.

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Old 22 Dec 2004, 16:18 (Ref:1186006)   #15
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golfvanman should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
here here !
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Old 22 Dec 2004, 18:24 (Ref:1186106)   #16
King Arthur
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Unfortunately there is always a financial aspect and the sooner everybody realises that rallycross cannot compete against itself the sooner we will move forwards. Until then division rules and destroys.

Anybody know the BRDA and Clubman dates yet??
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Old 23 Dec 2004, 08:30 (Ref:1186519)   #17
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TWIGLET should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Not a bad idea. I agree with the comment on back-tracking and all of a sudden our "quality" will be good enough.
More track time though, but so is doing the BTRDA rounds.
Depends on the entry in comparison to the BTRDA.
However, how many people are actually thinking of competing??
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Old 23 Dec 2004, 09:21 (Ref:1186562)   #18
Roundy Mooney
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Originally Posted by golfvanman
thats what i like to see lets hang the organisers before they have even run there first meeting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And people wonder why rallycross is in such a state of diss-array in this country when all you do is ***** !!! maybe they are genuine in giving the stockhatch and minicross a chance to try out the superseries and try to do an alien thing and move across to another class . such a shame !!!!
Funny how it's Bi.tche.n when it does't effect you golfvanman.
I wonder how calm you would be if they banned space framed cars with
effect from next year and left you out in the cold ???

Below is from the letter sent to Stock Hatch/Mini cross driver wishing to compete in RSS. Is not the whole thing as I don't want to put huge post ( EVEN THOUGH THIS IS TO LONG ALREADY) up and have no way to host.

We would like to invite 12 Minicross drivers and 12 Stock Hatch drivers to our series. Stock Hatch drivers would be required to register for the RSS and then would be selected for each event by the RPL team. Please note that if the two classes do take up the opportunity to be part of the 2005 Rallycross Super Series, then there would be no prize money available, but trophies will be provided for the top three drivers.

In order for this package to be properly administered and also to aid the inclusion of these cars in our series we are asking for the MDA/Stock Hatch plate to bring approximately £2000 per class to our series (£4000 in total).

Our aim is to run the Minicross and Stock Hatch cars separately during the 3 heats, but then based upon times the top 15 drivers from the two combined classes would take part in an A and B Final. Drivers will also have the opportunity to take part in timed practice in addition to the driver’s parade.

All stock hatch drivers wishing to be selected for events will have to register for the series before 1st March, stating which events they are able to compete in. This is to ensure they receive their competitor’s packs and entry forms. The costs for registration is £25 and is deducted from their first entry fee. Please note the Mincross and Stock Hatch cars will be exempt from the opportunity to receive a free entry fee, due to the restriction on the amount of cars in each class at each event. We would like to reiterate that the 12 selected drivers would maintain a high standard of car preparation throughout the season. To ensure 12 cars at each event it may also be an idea to select two reserves, who would be able to come in and race should two drivers not be able to make it.

Eligible Cars:

A new Division 2A (cars will be eligible for European events as the new class will run to Div 2 regs but have a capacity split of 1600cc) category has been created which will accommodate the more modern currently homologated Stock Hatch cars, such as the Citroen Saxo, Peugeot 106, Ford Fiesta XR2i or similar which have an extension on their homologation date of 4 years (as described below). All older cars (such as the 205, Nova, Suzuki Swift or similar) that is not covered by the Division 2A class will race in the newly created Stock Hatch/Minicross “Super Series Plate”. Please note any modern Stock Hatch that is currently homologated or has been homologated within the last four years will not be permitted to take part in the Super Series Cup and will only be eligible for the Division 2A category. All Division 2A cars will run together with the Division 2 cars, in all heats and finals. Separate trophies will be awarded for the top three drivers in the Division 2A class
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Old 23 Dec 2004, 09:53 (Ref:1186594)   #19
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In reply to twiglets post, i definatelly hope to take part in this series. As far as i am concerned, the more races the better.

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Old 23 Dec 2004, 10:46 (Ref:1186636)   #20
silver bullet
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silver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridsilver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridsilver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid
Here ars three statements from the RSS letter
"In order for this package to be properly administered and also to aid the inclusion of these cars in our series we are asking for the MDA/Stock Hatch plate to bring approximately £2000 per class to our series (£4000 in total)."
"Our aim is to run the Minicross and Stock Hatch cars separately during the 3 heats, but then based upon times the top 15 drivers from the two combined classes would take part in an A and B Final."
"Please note that if the two classes do take up the opportunity to be part of the 2005 Rallycross Super Series, then there would be no prize money available but trophies will be provided for the top three drivers."
Here's how I see it 24 cars three trophies no prize money.
Now don't get me wrong I don't race for money or trophies, just for the thrill & fun of it. But I do think the RSS organisers have a cheek first saying we dont want you now saying we still dont really want you but we want your money & will suffer you for the first year till things get going.
It might have been nicer if during the series build up & launch they had said,
Look we really want you to have more modern cars but come and have a go for the first year & see if you like it.

Last edited by silver bullet; 23 Dec 2004 at 10:54.
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Old 24 Dec 2004, 12:10 (Ref:1187388)   #21
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Nittymaki has a lot of promise if they can keep it on the circuit!
Can we all please stop the ******** on this thread and give these guy's a chance. Than ran a superb G/P with superb TV and DVD coverage. If the RSS is anything like that then we should all want to be and glad to be a part of it.
I used to be a Stockhatch driver looking to return to the sport and having competed under the current organisers I certainly would like to race under the RSS banner. Previously we all had no choice where we competed now we do!!
I recently contated the RSS team with ref to there reasons for introducing the "PLATE". "They want everyone in the sport to be a part of the same Vision, making Rallycross the best in the UK.It is not a case of making up number, they still believe in the quality not quantity thats why they have ONLY taken 24 cars on board. This will add to the other 60 cars they will have at each event.This will give all drivers the opportuniuty to compete at a high level which should enable them to get sponsors, good tv coverage, race alongside Europe's best and thus being able to move up the Rallycross ladder."
Previously it was discussed on this site and around circuits this year that drivers in these 2 classes weren't happy under the current organisers and were looking to run an all rounders series away from the BRC/BRDA. This has now been looked at by the RSS team after being approached by drivers who wanted somewhere else to race, they now have this.
People might not agree with what is written, but come on fellow competitors support all organisers, race where best suits you and well done to the RSS team for bringing us on board.
I'll be back!! Roll on 2005......
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Old 24 Dec 2004, 12:32 (Ref:1187406)   #22
silver bullet
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silver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridsilver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridsilver bullet should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid
I'm don't want to knock the RSS I've said before I hope it's a success, but the organisers said origially they didn't want Stockhatch or Minicross, now they do,
maybe it's to give us a chance but me being an old cynic, I think it's purely for the extra money.
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Old 24 Dec 2004, 12:38 (Ref:1187414)   #23
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Nittymaki has a lot of promise if they can keep it on the circuit!
Originally Posted by silver bullet
I'm don't want to knock the RSS I've said before I hope it's a success, but the organisers said origially they didn't want Stockhatch or Minicross, now they do,
maybe it's to give us a chance but me being an old cynic, I think it's purely for the extra money.
There we go again that didn't take long lets knock the RSS!!! Ive been in touch with the RSS organisers since the early days and as far as im aware they NEVER said in any official capacity that they didn't want stockhatch of minicross..... "show me where??" u'll struggle to do that!!
As far as Im aware they always intended to have the stockhatch/minicross drivers at events at some stage whether it be an invitation or part of a champ or the "Plate". I hardly think it can be purley financially based having 24 cars at each event is not going to bring in that much extra cash.
Maybe if the current organisers had looked after their own drivers a bit better instead of ****** them off and driving them away then maybe so many dirvers wouldn't have apporached the RSS team about doing this!!
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Old 24 Dec 2004, 15:20 (Ref:1187507)   #24
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it will bring in and around £4000 worth of extra cash!

Last edited by bigted; 24 Dec 2004 at 15:21. Reason: missed a bit!
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Why oh Why oh Why
Old 24 Dec 2004, 18:00 (Ref:1187575)   #25
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RoyG should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Originally Posted by Nittymaki
This will add to the other 60 cars they will have at each event.
Optimistic or what??!! If EVERY SINGLE driver who competed in Supercar & Supermodified in 2004 does EVERY event, that'll be 50 cars! Add the new Div 1a & Div 2 cars and that might make 55!

Sorry to side with the cynics - RSS needs SH & MX more than SH & MX needs RSS!!

I'll be happy to be proved wrong...

"In order for this package to be properly administered and also to aid the inclusion of these cars in our series we are asking for the MDA/Stock Hatch plate to bring approximately £2000 per class to our series (£4000 in total)."
Would that be in used £20 notes (or maybe new Northern Bank ones!)

RoyG - Team OldGit
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