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Old 25 Sep 2002, 01:04 (Ref:387755)   #1
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Interview: John Lopes and Lee Dykstra

There's a good interview on the Speed Channel web page with CART Vice President of Racing Operations John Lopes and Director of Technology and Competition Lee Dykstra. If you have a moment read through it, it sheds some light on Cart's future...from a more technical perspective.


Some highlights:

-fuel windows to go, fuel enrichment switch to be removed from drivers cockpit

-penalties to be relaxed such that the punishment fits the crime (Fernandez situation discussed in depth)

-They will possibly allow the stewards to move a lapped car out of the way during a yellow flag situation toward the end of the race to allow a clean race to the finish.

-Standing Starts could very well return to Atlantics next year, but are unlikely in Cart in the near future (makes sense

-horsepower will be in the range of 750 (w 41.5 inches of boost) for road courses and 700 (w/ 39 inches of boost)for ovals.

On the subject of car count...John Lopes says
As many of you know, historically, car count is something that's not completely determined until typically January when everyone's deals are put together. There's an awful lot of activity going on right now. There will be a minimum of 18 cars on the grid next year. But in terms of announcements, I think you will just see a combination of teams making their own announcements when their sponsor and driver deals are put together and CART making an overall announcement as to who is participating in the ESP program when that's appropriate.
Which does make quite a bit of sense. If this season is like F1 and Cart have been for the past few years, we won't know the car count until the week before the first race.
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Old 25 Sep 2002, 07:10 (Ref:387845)   #2
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macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!
Yes, that was a good read, Jay. Thanks.

A few opinions of my own:
Lapped traffic should not be shuffled to the back for restarts. I think it's unfair for the leader, who may have worked hard to gain a substantial lead. Already a yellow situation eliminates most of his gap. To put P2 immediately behind him would be, well, downright mean. And the driver of the lapped machine may have also built up a substantial lead over the position behind him, and that too would be erradicated. The interview brings up a good point in that there won't be manufacturer pride in this situation come next year. That is to say, a lapped Toyota restarting second in line, between the leader and the Honda car in P2, won't feel the pressure of holding the Honda behind him. So maybe he'd be more apt to get out of the way on his own. But again, in my opinion, I don't want to see shuffling of the restart order to put all the lead-lap cars together.

And, regarding standing starts, I'm not sure how I'd vote on that one. For the entertainment value it would be great, but nothing could be less entertaining than a big wreck with possible injuries. Safety should be (and is) the #1 priority.
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Old 25 Sep 2002, 23:16 (Ref:388506)   #3
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greg.n should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Standing starts is only for Atlantics and only if there is a resolution of all the potential safety issues although the Atlantic drivers are keen. Only on road courses.
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Old 25 Sep 2002, 23:33 (Ref:388510)   #4
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mac should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridmac should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridmac should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
I don't like the reduction of power. They made the point that with the road course wings in the late 90's there was some awesome oval racing. Yes, but in the late 90's, Champ Cars were at their fastest. I want Champ Cars to remain the fastest racing series on Earth.

I also agree with macdaddy - re: lapped cars. Why should a guy who's been tooling around the back, be rewarded when a safety car comes out?
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Old 26 Sep 2002, 01:10 (Ref:388542)   #5
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
I'm glad to see the end of the "mandatory pit stop window" and I hate the idea of slowing the cars down so they are nothing but hopped up Atlantics.

And standing starts are dangerous. Think of 18 cars trying the Schumacher Chop on the field, under the fond delusion that it is (1) legal and (2) easy as it looks when TGF does it. If it ain't broke ...
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Old 26 Sep 2002, 02:00 (Ref:388558)   #6
The Snout
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All sounds good. Standing starts for road racing is fine and it's not like rolling ones this year in Cart have been carnage free. The critical factor is the space between rows, if they give a little more space than in say F1 then potential the starts can be pretty clean.

Doesn't matter how you start a race you'll always get some d1ckheads doing banzai moves.
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Old 26 Sep 2002, 06:18 (Ref:388626)   #7
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Tailwind should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Getting rid of the mandatory pit windows and fuel enrichment switches is a plus in my book. I don't like rules that restrict the driver from racing and promotes economizing fuel. To me it's not racing when a driver is watching his fuel gauge to try and stretch out the laps he will get from a tank of fuel. That sounds more like what I do when I'm on a long trip and I try to get the most out of my tank to reach the next gas station. That's why I drive an economy car back and forth to work. That, believe me, is not exciting. I know that I'm over simplifying things a bit. I want to see racers drive flat out against each other. Getting rid of the fuel limit this year was one of the best moves I've seen to enhance the competition and excitment. Racing is about racing not economizing.
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Old 26 Sep 2002, 11:29 (Ref:388771)   #8
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
True, if you want to see fuel economy you can go to a Saturn Picnic.

Patience is difficult, isn't it? I wish they'd get on with some announcements.
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 26 Sep 2002, 13:08 (Ref:388819)   #9
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mac should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridmac should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridmac should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
We won't be going back to the old economy runs, because while they've eliminated the compulsory pit windows, they are also removing the fuel mixture dial - you'll only be able to drive on one mixture next year.
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Old 26 Sep 2002, 14:14 (Ref:388862)   #10
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Jay should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
I think the delay's probably for the best Liz... Remeber, it was pubilic flip-flopping that helped to get us into this mess. Better to get the flip-flopping sorted out first. As long as Cart can protect itself(its stock that is) from a takeover from the dark side, or another darkside they'll be alright. (paging Gerry Forsythe!)

Besides, I think Pook and company are right that they WILL have 18 cars next year at a minimum. I think the only question is will any of the cars be bankrolled by Cart... they all seem confident that won't be the case...wait and find out.
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