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Old 19 Sep 2002, 20:01 (Ref:384351)   #1
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Finally Official: Carpentier to remain with Player's

From Robin Miller:
In the world of motorsports, you won't find a better person than Patrick Carpentier. Humble, polite and armed with a wicked sense of humor, the personable Canadian has also blossomed into the driver everyone expected when he dominated the 1996 Toyota Atlantic championship.

So, in this time of indecision and recessed economics, it's only fitting he's been rewarded appropriately--with a new deal at Player's/Forsythe Racing.

It will be made official in the near future, but Carpentier is staying with his Canadian team in 2003.

"I'll admit it didn't look too promising in June or July, but it started turning around a few weeks ago and everything worked out," he said from his Las Vegas home.

"I didn't want to leave this team or CART so I couldn't be happier."

The 31-year-old native of Quebec knows that owner Gerry Forsythe played a major role in making sure he stayed.

"Player's has a maximum budget they can spend on racing in Canada and they always wanted Paul (Tracy) for the past two or three years. Alex (Tagliani) had already signed so they couldn't afford to offer me anything.

"But Gerry told me to be patient and that things would be worked out and he kept his promise. You know he's always told me the truth and he was a big part of my decision to stay.

"I really respect him a lot."

The respect for Carpentier's talents swelled this season as he captured races at Cleveland and Mid-Ohio and currently ranks fourth in the CART FedEx Championship Series.

"Winning at Cleveland was even bigger than my first win at Michigan in 2001," he continued. "I always loved road courses, but I hadn't won on one since my Atlantic days and I was expected to be up front.

"That race really helped my confidence and my team's confidence in me. And then we repeated our performance at Mid-Ohio, which is a very demanding track. I did what I was expected to do."

Before Forsythe intervened, Patrick was being seriously pursued by two teams in the rival Indy Racing League.

"Yeah, I had two good teams that were really interested and I was looking at it seriously," he admitted. "You know I didn't run my first oval until 1995, but I really like them. I guess maybe it had something to do with my speed skating.

"But I still feel like the IRL cars are pretty risky and our CART cars are still safer. I enjoy ovals but not 16 of them. I like CART's mix of ovals, road courses and street circuits.

"I don't think there's a tougher test in motorsports and I'm glad I'll still be in it."

Following his Mid-Ohio guarantee, when he promised to run around the track naked if he won the race, Carpentier donned a checkered flag and kept his word. It's helped raise his profile.

"I went to get a message here the other day and the woman said, 'Oh my God, you're the guy we saw on TV wearing a checkered flag,' " laughed Carpentier. "I guess it was a good career move, but next time I'll make sure not to say anything about being naked."
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Old 19 Sep 2002, 20:05 (Ref:384353)   #2
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"It WILL BE made official." That's what he's been saying since Montreal.
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 19 Sep 2002, 20:10 (Ref:384358)   #3
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If Carpentier says it's true and discusses it, I'd consider that pretty official.
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Old 19 Sep 2002, 20:52 (Ref:384392)   #4
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
He said that at Rockingham (I heard him on the TV). I hope it's true.
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 20 Sep 2002, 01:44 (Ref:384535)   #5
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Patrick won't leave CART. The IRL don't run in Canada.
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Old 20 Sep 2002, 02:37 (Ref:384548)   #6
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
You see, we do have SOME redeeming qualities up here!
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 20 Sep 2002, 05:40 (Ref:384596)   #7
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Tailwind should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Canada has many redeeming qualities. In just the context of racing; the fans are passionate about their racing (Champ Cars, F1) and they have produced some exceptional open wheel pilots such as Villeneuve (Jr and Sr), Carpentier, Tracy, Tagliani, and Greg Moore. (My appologies to those I have missed.) Players and Molson have been strong supporters of the series.
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Old 20 Sep 2002, 06:11 (Ref:384606)   #8
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macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!
I'd say that winning a few races this year was a good career move!

Off-topic, yet not really, is that I read earlier today that Villeneuve considers himself "on the market" as of 2004. Seems he's decided to drive for BAR next year, and after that he's allowing himself to be thrown to the sharks.

From the article:
When asked whether Villeneuve would definitely be driving for BAR next year, Richards said: "I'm as sure as I can be that that's the case, yes."

Well, so much for that. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sounds like he turned down a $50 million dollar contract so as to avoid but a single season in CART. In a way, and I know it's a terrible thing to say, but I hope it all backfires on him and he's driving sports cars in a year.
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Old 20 Sep 2002, 11:21 (Ref:384741)   #9
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
"As sure as I can be" sounds like "not sure at all" to me. DR doesn't want him and thinks he's a drain on the team, so even if he does drive next year he's not going to be the fair haired boy of yore.

Since Jacques believes that the numbers on his paycheque indicate his true worth, what does that say about his value in 2004? (Of course, maybe Gerry can get him for a lot less than $50 mil in 2004, yes?)
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 20 Sep 2002, 17:20 (Ref:384925)   #10
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BootsOntheSide should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridBootsOntheSide should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridBootsOntheSide should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridBootsOntheSide should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Guys like Gerry are just what CART needs, putting together a real Canadian superteam, any one of whom could challenge for the 2003 crown.
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Old 20 Sep 2002, 18:11 (Ref:384965)   #11
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kmchow should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Now that Players have been forced to pull out of sponsorship, I wonder if it's the end of Canadian driver development as we know it. I know Michael Valiante has shown promise, but most likely, he will soon hit roadblocks with regards to financing further career growth?? Too bad no Canadian company has stepped up to replace Players or to replace them at some meaningful level?
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Old 20 Sep 2002, 18:20 (Ref:384974)   #12
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Not yet anyway. But remember that Players used to sponsor the Air Canada Grand Prix of Montreal. And a lot of people said that nobody would be found to take their place.

The real difficulty in Canada is that most of the large companies are owned by multinationals, not by Canadians.
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 20 Sep 2002, 18:27 (Ref:384982)   #13
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Labatts used to sponsor a lot of racing. Now they're Belgian.

Why not Molson? Or have they blown their budget on the Maple Leafs?
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Old 20 Sep 2002, 18:31 (Ref:384985)   #14
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
They sponsor 3 races as title sponsors, that's quite a lot.
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 20 Sep 2002, 18:33 (Ref:384987)   #15
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paul-collins should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridpaul-collins should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridpaul-collins should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
D'oh! Totally forgot the name of the races.
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... Since all men live in darkness, who believes something is not a test of whether it is true or false. I have spent years trying to get people to ask simple questions: What is the evidence, and what does it mean?

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Old 21 Sep 2002, 03:29 (Ref:385154)   #16
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Bombardier's a possibility...although it would be easier in that case for the Canadian govt to sponsor Cart directly...(never mind, it's a Canandian political thing). Anyway, it would be good to see anyone step up and replace Players.
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Old 21 Sep 2002, 03:55 (Ref:385162)   #17
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macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!
Only the breweries have pockets anywhere near as deep as the tobacco companies. I think that Molson may well run a team next year, (obviously not Forsythe's), so when the tobacco money dries up Forsythe will need new sponsorship. But he's already said that things look good for a European sponsor for 2004 and beyond. I'm sure he's got something lined up, or else his drivers would have balked at multi-year contracts.
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Old 21 Sep 2002, 03:58 (Ref:385163)   #18
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Actually, he's already said that he's in deep discussions with a replacement(s) for Player's. I also believe that a replacement for Players is a key part of the contract with Paul Tracy... so he's almost certainly prepared.
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Old 21 Sep 2002, 04:31 (Ref:385174)   #19
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macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!
...Which is surprising, actually. Given the fact that Forsythe is so much of an idiot, as Rush1 was kind enough to point out.
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Old 21 Sep 2002, 05:09 (Ref:385182)   #20
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I am pleased to see Patrick getting to keep his ride. He's becoming one of my favorites(Being Ohio's favorite adopted son and all) and he'll be teammates with PT next year and that Player's paint sheme is pretty sweet. He ran around naked at Mid - Ohio but it was after I left. Thank the Lord. I don't like him quite that much. Now if Danica Patrick wins at Mid-Ohio in the Barber series next year....
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Old 21 Sep 2002, 05:40 (Ref:385191)   #21
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macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!macdaddy has a real shot at the podium!
Now that's how to market a product!
I'm about to book tickets to Mid-Ohio!
Gaines, you're a genius!
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Old 24 Sep 2002, 17:38 (Ref:387428)   #22
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It's made a paper:
MONTREAL (CP) -- Patrick Carpentier has agreed to a $3.5-million US, two-year contract to stay with the Player's-Forsythe team in the CART-FedEx series, according to a published report Tuesday...

Player's must give up sponsorship of the team after the 2003 season under federal anti-tobacco legislation, so the first year of the contract is with Player's while the second is with team boss Gerald Forsythe, the report said.

-Toronto Sun
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... Since all men live in darkness, who believes something is not a test of whether it is true or false. I have spent years trying to get people to ask simple questions: What is the evidence, and what does it mean?

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Old 24 Sep 2002, 17:39 (Ref:387431)   #23
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Liz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridLiz should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore
Old 26 Sep 2002, 01:52 (Ref:388554)   #24
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Back to the sponsers...Bombardier did sponser one of the teams in the IRL a while back. I'm not sure if they do anymore. (I think it was Kelly Racing.) Bambardier is based in Canada and run by French-Canadians out of Montreal. They have their hand in a lot of things including snowmobles, jetSkis, aircraft, subways, as well as financing. They're very big. They are the fourth largest aircraft company in the world. That's saying something when you are in the company of Boeing, Airbus, and Lockheed-Martin. When I was working for them, there was a joke about them owning a few small third world countries.

With the international nature of CART it seems like a good fit. I don't know how that would compare to the depth of the pockets of Molson and Players, but then again, I'm sure they have some pretty deep pockets.
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Old 26 Sep 2002, 11:35 (Ref:388773)   #25
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They were at Montreal with a display and got quite a bit of attention as I understand -- also had a number of drivers out doing demo runs on Sea Doos. I thought that was a hopeful sign.
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"If we won all the time, we'd be as unpopular as Ferrari, and we want to avoid that. We enjoy being a team that everybody likes." Flavio Briatore

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