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Old 7 Jul 2004, 21:42 (Ref:1029644)   #1
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RoyaleRP16 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Royale RP11

Just bought a Royale RP11, rolling chassis No4 in bits. Can anyone help with missing parts and what is and isn't allowed for eligability. Any history and information on how to get this car registered for classic F3 would be appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation
Martin. [EMAIL=letcliffe@hotmail.com]
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Old 8 Jul 2004, 17:06 (Ref:1030457)   #2
Andrew Kitson
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Andrew Kitson should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridAndrew Kitson should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridAndrew Kitson should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridAndrew Kitson should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Welcome RP16.
Maybe Alan Cornock can help?
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Old 8 Jul 2004, 19:16 (Ref:1030591)   #3
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RoyaleRP16 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Cheers Andrew,
I'm aware of Alan and will be giving him a call.
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Old 9 Jul 2004, 09:46 (Ref:1031088)   #4
Chris Townsend
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According to the Royale sales records in the book on the company these were RP11 sales, with some extra history of my own

1: Works car F Atlantic
2: Val Musetti, F3 then Atlantic, kept to 1974 then to Mike Franey
3: Ian Ashley [F3] 1973 to John Sheldon
4: Erwin Kremer [F3] kept by him to 1976 and probably ran even after that in German F3 series in other hands.
5: Simon Sherman [F3] kept to 1975
6: Works F3 and Atlantic
7: Reystan Racing [F3] including for Musetti which confuses things
8: Martin House [F3] kept to 1974

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Old 9 Jul 2004, 11:24 (Ref:1031186)   #5
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More sales records!

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Old 9 Jul 2004, 17:22 (Ref:1031563)   #6
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RoyaleRP16 should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Thanks Chris,
Your list shows a total of 8 cars, the royale registry shows 8 plus 1 11A, Ive also seen quotes for a total of 11 and 12 chassis. The chassis I have (No4)has with it a German log book showing Josef Kremer as the first owner dated 25 April 1972, this would tie up with your info. The next owner is registered as Autohaus Rahardt on 23 May 1977 there are no further owners registered.The photos of the car stuck into the log book (presumably for some kind of verification) show a car which is identical in all way's to the car shown on the web as the one driven by Tom Pryce at Brands Hatch in 1971

Hi Allen,
Great web site I think it may become a classic itself.
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Old 28 May 2005, 16:03 (Ref:1312693)   #7
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RAP should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Royale RP11

I am seeking the chassis numbers of the Royale RP11 F3 cars raced in 1972 by Val Musetti and Martyn Howse.

I understand that the book on Royale published a few years ago has this information in an appendix, but I do not have the book and my local county library does not stock it. I guess that they could eventually obtain a copy from the British Library but I wondered if anyone with this book would be kind enough to look it up for me?
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Old 29 May 2005, 09:57 (Ref:1313256)   #8
Chris Townsend
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This is my history based on the Royale book, but with additions from observations of actual numbers by various people and magazine reports

RP11-1 Debut late 1971 for Pryce. Works F3 car in early 1971. Very badly damaged at Monaco 1971 but subsequently rebuilt. f/s AS 24.8.72 'the car used by Pryce to win the first Shell round and lap record holder at Zandvoort'.

RP11-2 Val Musetti 1972. Retained until 1975 by which time in Atlantic spec and still bearing the plate. However, in early 1973 Musetti damages this car badly in testing [destroys it according to AS] and for a while drives the RP11 F3 car owned by Reystan.

RP11-3 Ian Ashley 1972. John Sheldon 1973

RP11-4 Erwin Kremer 1972 and retained to at least 1976

RP11-5 Simon Sherman 1972 retained to 1974

RP11-6 Works 1972 replacing the Monaco write off

RP11-7 Basilwood Ltd 1972 [possibly the Kaye car for which there are no other candidates in 1972]

RP11-8 Martin House [Howse?] 1972 - 1974

RP11A-1 Huub Vermuelen 1972

In 1972 there is one problem car: that raced regularly by Bernhard Brack in Germany. It isn't the Kremer car, which appears alongside it, nor the Vermeulen. So, is it a works car? It appears on dates when Pryce doesn't appear in UK so it could be chassis 1, or it could be 6.

In 1973 the problem is which car Reystan buy for Sutcliffe et al. Could be 1, 6 or 7.
I've always presumed that Musetti's car goes finally to Mike Franey, as there weren't a lot of other Atlantic spec RP11s by then for him to use.

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Old 29 May 2005, 16:20 (Ref:1313746)   #9
Steve Wilkinson
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So which one was this one?

1975 British Sprint Championship Weston 04/10/75 tenth Les Edmunds in a 1.6 Royale-Ford TC RP11A/X

If you could help with identifying which one this was it would be of great help!

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Old 30 May 2005, 07:30 (Ref:1314363)   #10
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RAP should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Thanks very much for your most comprehensive response
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Old 30 May 2005, 09:47 (Ref:1314470)   #11
Chris Townsend
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Going back over 1972 F3 races I discovered a weekend when Pryce and Brack appear [at separate races] on the same day. So Brack's car either has to be a hors-series prototype, or the RP11A which is supposedly sold to Vermuelen.

Regarding the Les Edmunds car: It could be almost any of them except chassis 2. However, where was Edmunds from because there is a persistent ad around 1976-77 in A/S for an ex Pryce RP11 with a Brighton phone number. This would be either 1 or 6 I guess.

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Old 2 Jun 2005, 17:39 (Ref:1318290)   #12
Steve Wilkinson
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Not our Les!

Originally Posted by Chris Townsend
Regarding the Les Edmunds car: It could be almost any of them except chassis 2. However, where was Edmunds from because there is a persistent ad around 1976-77 in A/S for an ex Pryce RP11 with a Brighton phone number. This would be either 1 or 6 I guess.

Les was from Hertfordshire so the Brighton number would be another car.
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Old 6 Nov 2006, 13:40 (Ref:1759016)   #13
Dan Rear
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Slightly O/T, but I see the Royale RP15 FAt car for sale in A/S in early 74. Pretty sure it went to Neil Bold for Northern Libre in late 77. Anything in between does anyone know. And still further O/T, is the RP20 still alive?

Just curious!
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Old 6 Nov 2006, 13:57 (Ref:1759029)   #14
Chris Townsend
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The RP20 was last heard of in Florida in 1988, owned by Shelly Marrs.

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Old 6 Nov 2006, 17:29 (Ref:1759224)   #15
Andrew Kitson
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The RP20 is restored and owned by Andy Gilberg of Teknacon in the US.
He also runs the everything-about-March 'Marchives' site.
To see the RP20 click on 'about us' then 'Andy Racing'
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Old 17 May 2007, 09:17 (Ref:1915206)   #16
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RP21 Chassis 33

Sorry - slightly off topic, but I am trying to trace the history of RP21 no.33. It was originally raced by Bob & Ted Toleman, then David Wheeler. After that, the trail goes cold in 1977.

I won the car now, and she is restored to her original Toleman coulour scheme.

Any assistance welcome - oh and Alan Cornock doesn't know anything beyond David Wheeler.
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Old 20 Aug 2007, 12:40 (Ref:1992709)   #17
Steve Wilkinson
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Originally Posted by Steve Wilkinson
1975 British Sprint Championship Weston 04/10/75 tenth Les Edmunds in a 1.6 Royale-Ford TC RP11A/X

If you could help with identifying which one this was it would be of great help!

What happened to the Vermulen car after 1973?
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Old 20 Aug 2007, 16:55 (Ref:1992919)   #18
Chris Townsend
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Steve, Where did Les Edmunds come from?

David Betts [HC "ex Pryce Atlantic" AS 18.4.74 p.43] Betts came from Huddersfield
fs A/S 13.6.74 p. 65 RP11 FB with Vegantune t/c only 2 races from new Huddersfield 61008

I think this would be RP11-6

RP11-1 was rebuilt after Pryce's Monaco accident in 1973 but I think as an F3 car.
RP11-2 is destroyed by Musetti in testing in 1973 and I'm not sure it was rebuilt. His car in Atlantic may be another chassis that once belonged to Reystan Racing
RP11-3 available after 1973
RP11-4 in Germany with Kremer
PR11-5 available in 1975
RP11-6 described as works Atlantic/F3 car, new for Pryce after Monaco
RP11-7 described as sold to Basilwood in 1972, who was this? Was this the Lee Kaye car in 1972 and where did it go after
RP11-8 available in 1975 after Martin Howse

There's a problem with the works record in the Royale book perhaps because A/S says 12 made 22.2.73 p. 43 plus the RP11 prototype! So 13 against 8

Reystan in 1973 have an RP11 early season for Sutcliffe that I can't quite explain. It's called a RP11A, but can't be the Vermuelen car. RP11A-2?
Or is it either of the works cars [1 or 6] or the Basilwood car?
Musetti takes over this car from Sutcliffe when he falls out with the team and Musetti writes off his own car. My reading of the situation is that this is then the car that becomes Musetti's Atlantic chassis, eventually sold to Mike Franey in 1975, but probably by then a combination with bits from the original chassis 2

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Old 21 Aug 2007, 10:49 (Ref:1993472)   #19
Steve Wilkinson
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Originally Posted by Steve Wilkinson
Les was from Hertfordshire so the Brighton number would be another car.
CHRIS, See above!
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