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View Poll Results: What would happen if Jv and irvine got washed up on an island togetther?
Eddie Kills Jaques First 4 14.81%
Jaques Kills Eddie first 2 7.41%
They have petty cat fights (nothing to serious) 5 18.52%
They get on like a house on fire and exchange nasty comments about other drivers 19 70.37%
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Old 4 Jul 2003, 09:19 (Ref:651795)   #1
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What would happen if JV and Irvine were trapped on an island?

If eddie irvine and jaques villeneuve were abandoned on a s island on the west coast of South America what would happen

( i have enclosed a poll Hugh Jarce Style)
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You should have gone to Specsavers.
Old 4 Jul 2003, 09:54 (Ref:651826)   #2
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krt917 should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridkrt917 should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid
I imagine they'd get on OK, unless Eddie's comments eventually drove JV mad and JV ends up killing him!
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Old 4 Jul 2003, 14:25 (Ref:652365)   #3
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I'm not sure what would happen, but it's a pretty good idea...
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"Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose."
Old 4 Jul 2003, 14:27 (Ref:652367)   #4
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As long as they dont come out of it I dont really mind
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Old 4 Jul 2003, 14:34 (Ref:652378)   #5
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Ralf has a lot of promise if they can keep it on the circuit!
They'd talk about great career decisions in history.
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Ralf will win before Trulli
Old 4 Jul 2003, 15:19 (Ref:652418)   #6
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In which case, it'd probably start breaking down just after Eddie says

"well, you made a right Pollocks of your career didn't you Jaques?"
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"Never pick a fight with an ugly person, they've got nothing to lose."
Old 4 Jul 2003, 17:29 (Ref:652517)   #7
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Re: What would happen if JV and Irvine were trapped on an island?

Originally posted by perminder
If eddie irvine and jaques villeneuve were abandoned on a s island on the west coast of South America what would happen

( i have enclosed a poll Hugh Jarce Style)
It will really depend on what island they would be trapped.
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Old 4 Jul 2003, 19:17 (Ref:652648)   #8
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Get Eddie Jordan to manage the team and i think i would have to cheer for them, They add some spice to some of the other rather lifeless personalities.
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Old 4 Jul 2003, 19:57 (Ref:652704)   #9
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I'm sure that when it was announced that Eddie wouldn't be in F1 any longer, Jacques was quite complimentary saying that F1 needed characters like Eddie. Since they are both outspoken mavericks, I suggest the current voting outcome is the most likely outcome of a most unlikely event!!!!
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Old 4 Jul 2003, 20:28 (Ref:652743)   #10
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garagegirl should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
lol, i think it would be pretty funny if they were put on an island together, someone should do that and video it, or put them both on that im a celebrity get me outta here or something, lol
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Old 5 Jul 2003, 17:53 (Ref:653474)   #11
Irv the Swerve
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well, since Eddie is pretty good at winding people up, and Jacques is pretty easy to wind up.....

It would have been great if they could have been team mates.
Actually I think they were in a Japanese Sportscar race circa 1992, but I could be wrong about that. I'll check it up.
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'I'm a winner', What the **** does that mean? Anybody can utter the words.
Old 5 Jul 2003, 23:58 (Ref:653652)   #12
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TeddyG should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Glad to see that the options for this poll are so much more realisitic than mine EERO and WREX!
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Doesn't it seem sad that drivers like Fisichella, Coultard, Barrichello, and Ralf all have secure seats in F1, despite having had race winning cars for many more seasons than Jacques, yet failing to chalk up as many wins as he (let alone a WDC) that it is Jacques who doesn't have a drive in F1??? Sad indeed.
Old 6 Jul 2003, 00:07 (Ref:653658)   #13
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When I read the title I thought it was about Joss and Eddie!

Anyway... if we have to conform with Jax...

Eddie would do some big-mouth commentary about Jax. Jax pursues Eddie along the island. Jax spins out and in that moment a merchant ship captained by Richards arrives to the escene and take Eddie aboard. Jax goes on in the island spinning out and crashing against coconut palms.
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Old 6 Jul 2003, 00:25 (Ref:653663)   #14
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TeddyG should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
hmmmm I wonder if could it be that this thread has recieved no moderator intervention because it serves the roll of "bashing" JV??? Which is fine right? Heaven forbid we have a positive poll about JV.

As far as Wrex's comment that I was trying to create a poll with results I liked I can ask the same thing about the mods wanting a poll with results THEY wanted thereby changing my poll.

All I wanted to do was ask a DIFFERENT question from one we have already been asking a million times on this thread. We all know that most people think he will retire or go to CART or stay at BAR which is PRECISELY why I left those options out to get a different feel for OTHER possibilities. I explained this CLEARLY in my opening post despite the mods stating that my poll was "confusing" (take a look you be the judge)

Sorry I have to continue my argument here but the mods have closed my thread and I think I am being unfairly picked on. As this thread recieveing no intervention clearly demonstrates.

And to add to that I think on the whole the moderators do a great job. But with their power comes responsibility and knowing where to draw the line on their interfereance. Remember those who overly restrict freedoms are just as bad as those who abuse them!

Oh yeah and Wrex despite your suggestions to off I don't think I will give you the pleasure of pushing me out of the forum.
Of course you can always ban me...I'm sure you want to
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Doesn't it seem sad that drivers like Fisichella, Coultard, Barrichello, and Ralf all have secure seats in F1, despite having had race winning cars for many more seasons than Jacques, yet failing to chalk up as many wins as he (let alone a WDC) that it is Jacques who doesn't have a drive in F1??? Sad indeed.
Old 6 Jul 2003, 00:32 (Ref:653665)   #15
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ASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Originally posted by TeddyG
I explained this CLEARLY in my opening post despite the mods stating that my poll was "confusing" (take a look you be the judge)

Old people get easily confused sometimes...

Last edited by ASCII Man; 6 Jul 2003 at 00:33.
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Old 6 Jul 2003, 00:42 (Ref:653667)   #16
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TeddyG should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
thanks for breaking the tension again Rijntjuh...I'm having a bit of a David vs Galioth feeling here.
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Doesn't it seem sad that drivers like Fisichella, Coultard, Barrichello, and Ralf all have secure seats in F1, despite having had race winning cars for many more seasons than Jacques, yet failing to chalk up as many wins as he (let alone a WDC) that it is Jacques who doesn't have a drive in F1??? Sad indeed.
Old 6 Jul 2003, 00:47 (Ref:653669)   #17
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ASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridASCII Man should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Yeah, i've noticed.....
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Old 6 Jul 2003, 12:58 (Ref:653857)   #18
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EERO should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridEERO should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridEERO should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridEERO should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
Teddy, thanks for bringing this idiotic poll to my attention.

You will note that R has recently stepped down from the moderator's position and they are a litle short handed here. I have offered to help for the time being.

However, with regard to your analysis of the whole situation, I think you are reading far more into it than was intended.

I am closing this poll because it is merely flame bait.
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Go Tribe!!!!
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