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Old 8 Jun 2006, 10:50 (Ref:1629868)   #1
Andy Zarse
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Andy Zarse should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Ultimate Guide - Le Mans (not just) for Dummies

Hello 10/10ers, greeting from us over at Club Arnage.

Some of the folk over there have put together what seems to be the ultimate LM guide. It's in PDF format and at 70 pages long might take people with a slow connection a while to down load. It covers all aspects of the weekend from the racing itself, has maps showing where you can buy bananas on a sunday, to campsite guides, parking and collecting tickets from the rotunde. It's all free too, so hope it helps somebody somewhere. There's a lot of work gone into this and it was all done without Gilles help (who seems to have headed for the hills by the way). I had nothing to do with it's creation I might add, itwas inspired by der wonderbar Werner over at lemaszone.de. Anyway, I think it makes the increasingly useless Autosport guide total waste of time.

Here's the link: http://www.lemanszone.de/caguide2006...e2006-full.pdf

Have a good Le mans everyone!
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 11:37 (Ref:1629898)   #2
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That'sa great link and a terrific download. Thanks very much.
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 12:03 (Ref:1629915)   #3
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Having had a reasonable flick through this now, I have to say this deserves a "sticky" and should be read by all - whether old hands or newbies. (Those who get annoyed about my stickying habits around Le Mans time will just have to put up with it). As a CA member (before I defected), I think this definitely deserves heavyweight reecognition. Hell, there are plenty of people who would pay good money for this - and it is far more comprehensive than the Autosport guide..... Damned well done is all I can say!
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 12:05 (Ref:1629918)   #4
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Wow, that's a mighty document!

Congrat's to Werner and his contributors...........
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 12:11 (Ref:1629919)   #5
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Congratulations and THANKS!!!
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 13:14 (Ref:1629951)   #6
Andy Zarse
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Andy Zarse should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Originally Posted by Aysedasi
Having had a reasonable flick through this now, I have to say this deserves a "sticky" and should be read by all - whether old hands or newbies. (Those who get annoyed about my stickying habits around Le Mans time will just have to put up with it). As a CA member (before I defected), I think this definitely deserves heavyweight reecognition. Hell, there are plenty of people who would pay good money for this - and it is far more comprehensive than the Autosport guide..... Damned well done is all I can say!
Thanks very much for your comments Ayse.

I would add it is not a "set in stone" document, so if anyone spots an error or wishes to contribute or suggest anything, then do please let us know. Consideration is also being given to putting it on Wikipedia.


Andy Z
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 13:29 (Ref:1629964)   #7
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Anorak should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Excellent document - as has already been said.

I only skimmed it just now (supposed to be working) but I did notice that you said (on page 10) that the "fastest driver in the team shall start the race". This is not true unless the car did not qualify for some reason, and has to depend on the arbitration of the ACO to allow it in.

Apart from that - good work!
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 13:31 (Ref:1629965)   #8
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Andy, as I rarely get back to CA these days (I was a regular there for a while back in 2001....), can you pass on my (our) thanks for sharing this, and to Werner in particular for such a marvellous effort.
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 13:42 (Ref:1629971)   #9
Andy Zarse
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Andy Zarse should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Will do! I know you're naturally "sticky fingered" at this time of the year Ayse but having a post heading up the 10/10ths board in Le Mans week is an honour and it's much appreciated.
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 14:28 (Ref:1629993)   #10
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AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!
Great stuff, lots of interesting things in there even for those who have attended for a few years. The campsite guide will be useful in the future if I want a change of scene.

Just one thing to maybe add would be some advice about petrol stations. A lot of them are unmanned and only take credit cards. We have never managed to get UK pin numbers to work. The desparate drive in a sodding great motorhome with the fuel light flashing trying to find one with a person to take our money is an annual highlight! Fill up when you can at manned petrol station!

thanks again all your work, have a good LM
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 15:57 (Ref:1630056)   #11
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I know that feling Alan, back in 2003 we stayed in Isigny-sur-Mer on Thursday night and ran out of petrol just as we arrived. We had to push our bus to the nearest petrol station, only to find that none of our cards would work...... We finally persuaded a local lady to pay for our petrol on her credit card - which she was reluctant to do until she saw the cash offer we were making........

Its my last day in the office today, but I have to go to a meeting in Birmingham tomorrow - three hours there and another three hours back - still, at least I've got something to read on the train now.........
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Old 8 Jun 2006, 18:49 (Ref:1630132)   #12
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rdjones should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridrdjones should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridrdjones should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridrdjones should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
I spent an hour reading it at work this afternoon, its a good peace of work and I would recommend everyone has a look.
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Old 9 Jun 2006, 08:52 (Ref:1630448)   #13
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MikeHoyer should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridMikeHoyer should be qualifying in the top 5 on the gridMikeHoyer should be qualifying in the top 5 on the grid
Yeah, very good work. The driving information will come in especially handy for me, a first-time driver. My brother emptied his office printer printing it off!
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Old 9 Jun 2006, 11:38 (Ref:1630558)   #14
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strider has a real shot at the championship!strider has a real shot at the championship!strider has a real shot at the championship!strider has a real shot at the championship!strider has a real shot at the championship!strider has a real shot at the championship!
That's a brilliant piece of work. My Autosport guide is headed for the bin! To be fair, printing schedules do mean that their guide has to be written well in advance, but this is an example of where the 'net scores over the printed word.

I haven't checked yet, but how up-to-date is the entry list? It would be superb if it could be updated as the days go by, because there are always changes in the week before the event. It would only involve printing off a page or two to replace the earlier ones.
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Old 9 Jun 2006, 11:38 (Ref:1630559)   #15
Silk Cut Jaguar
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Silk Cut Jaguar should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridSilk Cut Jaguar should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
I have to admit, the guide has almost tempted me to hop on the train/plane for a last minute Le Mans trip. General Enclosure tickets are available at the gate, right?


/goes off to check how cripplingly expensive last minute train travel will be.
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Old 9 Jun 2006, 13:24 (Ref:1630633)   #16
Silk Cut Jaguar
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Silk Cut Jaguar should be qualifying in the top 10 on the gridSilk Cut Jaguar should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
As I can't edit the post I feel compelled to say 'I did it' and I'll finally be able to break my Le Mans virginity.

Even though it's a little more expensive I went with the Eurostar/TGV option that goes to Le Mans via Lille.

Thanks again to all who were involved in this guide, it answered a few questions I had and was the catalyst for me to finally go. Cheers!
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Old 9 Jun 2006, 15:07 (Ref:1630666)   #17
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Pilgrimage should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Originally Posted by Silk Cut Jaguar
As I can't edit the post I feel compelled to say 'I did it' and I'll finally be able to break my Le Mans virginity.

Even though it's a little more expensive I went with the Eurostar/TGV option that goes to Le Mans via Lille.

Thanks again to all who were involved in this guide, it answered a few questions I had and was the catalyst for me to finally go. Cheers!
I know i will...
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Old 9 Jun 2006, 15:13 (Ref:1630669)   #18
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AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!AllonFS has a real shot at the championship!
Great news SC Jag, make sure you come and join us for the ten-tenths meet up.
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Old 10 Jun 2006, 18:03 (Ref:1631255)   #19
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Its interesting to see that the Autosport guide assumes that all of those travelling by ferry/car will be coming from Calais.........
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Old 10 Jun 2006, 19:05 (Ref:1631275)   #20
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Originally Posted by AllonFS
Just one thing to maybe add would be some advice about petrol stations. A lot of them are unmanned and only take credit cards. We have never managed to get UK pin numbers to work. The desparate drive in a sodding great motorhome with the fuel light flashing trying to find one with a person to take our money is an annual highlight! Fill up when you can at manned petrol station!
Ooops. That'll be me
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Old 11 Jun 2006, 01:38 (Ref:1631424)   #21
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djb should be qualifying in the top 3 on the griddjb should be qualifying in the top 3 on the griddjb should be qualifying in the top 3 on the griddjb should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
unfortunately again I shall not be there this year, but would like to add another thanks to the individuals who put the time and effort into puttingthis together, a really helpful thing to do. I'm sure it will reduce the amount of surprise grief that could happen to lots of people going.

good stuff and good work

cheers from Canada
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Old 11 Jun 2006, 19:27 (Ref:1631862)   #22
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924nut should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
What a superb guide - well done all those involved.

Cant wait to get on our way there.
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Old 12 Jun 2006, 14:30 (Ref:1632515)   #23
Andy Zarse
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Andy Zarse should be qualifying in the top 10 on the grid
Thanks for the kind wishes everyone. Werner says up to friday it's been downloaded over a thousand times, even had one hit from Basra in Iraq!!

All the comments have been taken on board and we are looking at doing an improved and updated version for 2007. If anyone has anything to add please post on the Club Arnage forum or www.lemanszone.de.

Thanks and have a great Le Mans everyone.
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Old 12 Jun 2006, 15:54 (Ref:1632602)   #24
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My boss isn't happy. I just ran the toner cartridge thingy out on his printer

Top work, guys. I know how much work goes into these things and, if in case anyone is in any doubt, it is a LOT. Thanks very much to everyone concerned.
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Old 13 Jun 2006, 06:40 (Ref:1633159)   #25
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Suze should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridSuze should be qualifying in the top 3 on the gridSuze should be qualifying in the top 3 on the grid
That's pretty impressive! Well done all.
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